Heater Experiment: Rock and bentonite thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in the near field
The aim of this EU-project is to identify the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in both the bentonite buffer and the host rock clay formation. Thermal and hydraulic conditions which could be similar to those found in high level waste repository constructed in a rock formation of the type Opalinus clay will be reproduced in a controlled way. The evolution of THM processes in the barrier system will be monitored in-situ and analysed during a medium-term heating phase at 100°C under saturated conditions. In our group, a comprehensive analysis of the bentonite buffer to determine the mechanical, hydraulic, and geochemical characteristics of the bentonite buffer to validate model predictions, e.g. on saturation and to identify variations in the material properties especially to identify geochemical and textural transformations in response of the heating are conducted.
Plötze, Michael; Kahr, Günter; Hermanns Stengele, Rita
European Union /BBW
I. Göbel (BGR Hannover) Coordinator, N. Jockwer (GRS Braunschweig), J.C. Mayor (ENRESA Madrid), H. Weber (NAGRA Wettingen), J. -L. García-Siñeriz (AITEMIN Madrid), E. Alonso (CIMNE Barcelona), G. Klubertanz (COLENCO Baden), C. Ammon (ROTHPLETZ LIENHARD +CIE Aarau).
Started: 11/1/2001; Last revision: 11/1/2004